Podcast Interview with Mira T. Sundara Rajan, ‘Scriabin’s Ecstatic Soundworld’.
From Joint Chairman Simon Nicholls:
I was recently interviewed on the subject of Scriabin by Mira T. Sundara Rajan for her podcast. She is a most remarkable lady: she plays the piano expertly; she is also expert in Indian culture including Indian song. Mira is a great grand-daughter of the distinguished Tamil poet C. Subramania Bharati (1882-1921). Bharati is a National Poet of India and was a very progressive thinker. Mira has edited an important selection of his original writings in English for Penguin India. She is also an internationally renowned expert on copyright law and advocate for artists. She holds a Doctorate in Law from Oxford University.
The interview is available at:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1oK66LFx3qVirICpx30KJF?si=ad987de8b9504e02
Podcast Homepage: https://womanofculturepodcast.com/the-ecstatic-sound-world-of-alexander-scriabin-with-simon-nicholls-pianist-and-translator-of-skryabins-notebooks
Mira’s website is: https://professormira.com.
Do listen in!
Simon Nicholls